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**The advice, information, services or other content of this site and in person are not a substitute for medical and/or psychiatric care. The advice, information, services and other content provided on and through this site and in person regarding energy healing, channeling or healing in any manner, including intuitive information provided by The Infinite Path and Susan, is not intended as medical or psychiatric advice and should not be used for medical or psychiatric diagnosis or treatment, nor will it create any physician-patient relationship, nor should it be considered a replacement for consultation and treatment with an appropriate healthcare professional. If you have questions and/or concerns about your health, please contact your healthcare provider. All readings are offered for entertainment purposes only. What you choose to do with the information, including any action you take following receipt of any information, is your own personal responsibility and choice. Information received from The Infinite Path is not a substitute for professional services, and should not be construed as guidance of any form on financial, legal, psychological or health related issues. For such matters you should seek advice from an appropriate and qualified expert in said field.**